Family Caregiver Salary 2023

A family caregiver is an unsung hero who provides care for a family member who is elderly, disabled, or has a chronic illness.

Published On:
October 1, 2023

What is a Family Caregiver?

If you are a family caregiver, you may be wondering about the pay rates for your services. While family caregiver pay rates can vary based on a number of factors, there are some general guidelines that can help you understand what to expect.

A family caregiver is an unsung hero who provides care for a family member who is elderly, disabled, or has a chronic illness. It is a role that requires a great amount of patience, compassion, and dedication. Caregiving can include a wide range of tasks such as assisting with daily living activities, managing medications, and providing transportation to medical appointments.

Being a family caregiver can be a rewarding experience, but it can also be emotionally and physically exhausting. It is important for caregivers to take care of themselves as well, by seeking support from family, friends, or support groups. It is also important to recognize that caregiving can take a toll on one's mental health, and that it's okay to seek professional help if needed.

Factors Affecting Family Caregiver Pay Rates

The pay rate for family caregivers can vary based on several factors, including:

  • Geographic location: Pay rates can vary based on the cost of living in a particular area. In areas with a higher cost of living, caregivers may be paid a higher rate to compensate for the increased expenses.
  • Level of care required: The pay rate may also depend on the intensity of care required. Caregivers who are responsible for providing more complex care, such as administering medication or managing medical equipment, may be paid at a higher rate than those providing basic assistance with daily activities.
  • Caregiver experience: Experienced caregivers may be able to command higher pay rates due to their expertise and training. They may also have a better understanding of how to manage challenging behaviors or medical conditions, which can make them more valuable to families in need of care.
  • Family budget: The family's ability to pay is an important factor in determining the caregiver's pay rate. Some families may have limited resources and may not be able to afford high rates of pay, while others may be willing and able to pay a premium for quality care.

Overall, the pay rate for family caregivers can vary widely and is influenced by many factors. It's important for families to consider their own needs and budget when determining what they are willing and able to pay for caregiving services. They should also take into account the experience and qualifications of potential caregivers to ensure that they are receiving quality care for their loved ones.

How Much Does a Family Caregiver Make?

As of Sep 4, 2023, the average hourly pay for a Family Caregiver in the United States is $15.35 an hour. However, this amount can vary widely based on location and other factors.

It's important to note that many family caregivers do not receive any formal compensation for their services. Instead, they provide care out of love and a sense of duty to their loved ones. While this is admirable, it's also important for caregivers to recognize their own value and the importance of taking care of themselves both physically and financially.

One way that family caregivers can ensure they are receiving fair compensation is by working with a reputable agency or organization that specializes in providing caregiving services. These organizations can help match caregivers with families in need and negotiate fair pay rates based on the caregiver's level of experience and qualifications.

Ultimately, the amount that a family caregiver makes will depend on a variety of factors including location, level of care required, experience, and budget. It's important for both caregivers and families to have open communication about compensation and to seek out resources that can help them navigate this often complex issue.

What are Top 10 Highest Paying Cities for Family Caregiver Jobs

Below are the top 10 highest paying cities for family caregiver jobs, according to data collected as of Sep 4, 2023:

  1. San Francisco, CA: $21.50/hour
  2. New York, NY: $20.75/hour
  3. Boston, MA: $19.25/hour
  4. Washington, DC: $18.75/hour
  5. Seattle, WA: $18.50/hour
  6. Los Angeles, CA: $18.00/hour
  7. Chicago, IL: $17.25/hour
  8. Denver, CO: $16.75/hour
  9. Austin, TX: $16.50/hour
  10. Portland, OR: $16.00/hour

It's important to note that these pay rates are based on averages and may vary depending on the specific job requirements and level of experience of the caregiver.

If you are a family caregiver looking for work in one of these cities or elsewhere, it's important to research potential employers and negotiate fair compensation based on your qualifications and experience level.

Remember that being a family caregiver is an important and valuable role that requires dedication and compassion - it's important to recognize your own worth and seek out fair compensation for your services if possible.

What are Top 5 Best Paying Related Family Caregiver Jobs in the U.S.

Here are the top 5 best paying related family caregiver jobs in the U.S., according to data collected as of Sep 4, 2023:

  1. Home Health Aide: With an average hourly pay of $16.50, home health aides provide in-home care services such as assistance with daily living activities, medication management, and basic medical care.
  2. Personal Care Aide: Personal care aides earn an average hourly wage of $15.75 and provide similar services to home health aides, but may also assist with meal preparation and light housekeeping tasks.
  3. Registered Nurse (RN): RNs who specialize in geriatric care can earn an average hourly wage of $34.75 while providing more advanced medical care for elderly patients.
  4. Physical Therapist: Physical therapists who specialize in geriatric care can earn an average hourly wage of $41.25 while helping elderly patients improve their physical mobility and manage pain.
  5. Occupational Therapist: Occupational therapists who specialize in geriatric care can earn an average hourly wage of $39.50 while assisting elderly patients with daily living activities and improving their overall quality of life.

These related family caregiver jobs require different levels of education and training, but they all involve caring for elderly or disabled individuals and providing support that enables them to live independently for as long as possible.

Getting Paid as a Family Caregiver

If you are a family caregiver and are being paid for your services, it is important to establish clear expectations and payment terms with the family member you are caring for. This can include creating a written agreement that outlines the scope of your duties, your pay rate, and the schedule for payment.

You may also want to consider using a payroll service to ensure that taxes are properly withheld and paid. The IRS provides guidelines for household employers, including those who employ family caregivers.

Pay Differences Between Live-In and Part-Time Caregivers

One factor that can significantly impact a family caregiver's pay rate is whether they are providing care on a live-in or part-time basis.

Live-in caregivers typically provide round-the-clock care for their loved ones and may be compensated with room and board in addition to an hourly wage. Due to the nature of their work, live-in caregivers may have less time off than part-time caregivers, but their overall compensation package may be more generous.

Part-time caregivers, on the other hand, typically work set hours each week and may not be compensated with room and board. While they may have more flexibility in terms of scheduling, their hourly wage may be lower than that of a live-in caregiver due to the reduced commitment.

It's important for families to carefully consider their needs when deciding between a live-in or part-time caregiver. For some families, the peace of mind that comes with having a caregiver available at all times makes a live-in arrangement worthwhile. For others, the flexibility and cost savings associated with hiring a part-time caregiver may be more appealing.

Regardless of which type of caregiving arrangement is chosen, it's important for both parties to establish clear expectations around pay rates and working conditions from the outset. This can help avoid misunderstandings or conflicts down the road and ensure that both parties feel valued and respected.

Tips for Negotiating Pay Rates with Family Members

Negotiating pay rates with family members can be an uncomfortable topic, but it's important to have open communication about compensation to ensure that both the caregiver and the family member receiving care are satisfied.

Here are some tips for negotiating pay rates with family members:

  1. Do your research: Before entering negotiations, research the going rate for caregiving services in your area. This will help you determine a fair starting point for negotiations.
  2. Be clear about your expectations: Clearly communicate what tasks you will be responsible for and how much time you will be spending providing care each week.
  3. Discuss payment options: Will you be paid hourly or by salary? Will you receive payment weekly or bi-weekly? These are important details to discuss upfront.
  4. Consider other forms of compensation: In addition to monetary compensation, consider other forms of compensation such as room and board or additional time off.
  5. Put it in writing: Once you've come to an agreement, put it in writing to avoid any confusion or misunderstandings down the road.

Remember, negotiating pay rates with family members requires open communication and a willingness to compromise. By following these tips, you can ensure that both parties feel valued and respected throughout the negotiation process.

How to Find Resources and Support as a Family Caregiver

Being a family caregiver can be challenging, both emotionally and physically. It's important to know that you are not alone in this journey and that there are resources available to help support you.

Here are some ways to find resources and support as a family caregiver:

  1. Local Aging and Disability Resource Centers (ADRCs): Many communities have ADRCs that provide information and assistance for older adults, people with disabilities, and their caregivers. These centers can connect you with local resources such as respite care, support groups, and counseling services.
  2. Support Groups: Joining a support group can be a great way to connect with other caregivers who understand what you're going through. Many organizations offer support groups specifically for family caregivers, either in-person or online.
  3. Caregiver Training Programs: Some organizations offer training programs for family caregivers that provide education on topics such as medication management, wound care, and mobility assistance. These programs can help build your skills and confidence as a caregiver.
  4. Respite Care Programs: Respite care provides temporary relief for caregivers by allowing someone else to take over caregiving responsibilities for a period of time. This can be especially helpful if you need time to attend appointments or simply take a break.
  5. Online Resources: There are many online resources available for family caregivers, including websites, forums, and social media groups. These resources can provide information on caregiving techniques, legal issues related to caregiving, and emotional support.

It's important to remember that seeking help is not a sign of weakness - it's a sign of strength. By taking advantage of the resources available to you, you can better manage the challenges of caregiving while still providing quality care for your loved one.


While family caregiver pay rates can vary based on a number of factors, it is important to understand what to expect and to establish clear payment terms with the family member you are caring for. By doing so, you can ensure that you are fairly compensated for your important work.


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