Who Is Eligible For CDPAP In NY?

CDPAP, or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, is a Medicaid program that allows consumers to hire, train, and supervise their own personal assistants

Published On:
October 1, 2023

What is CDPAP?

CDPAP, or Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program, is a Medicaid program that allows consumers to hire, train, and supervise their own personal assistants. This program is available to those who need home care services due to a medical condition or disability. In this article, we will discuss who is eligible for CDPAP in NY.

Eligibility Requirements for CDPAP in NY

To be eligible for CDPAP in NY, you must meet the following requirements:

1. Medicaid Eligibility

To be eligible for CDPAP in New York, you must meet the Medicaid eligibility requirements. This means that you must meet certain income and asset criteria to qualify for Medicaid coverage. You can check your eligibility for Medicaid on the New York State of Health website, where you will find information about the income and asset limits for the program.

If you are not currently eligible for Medicaid, you may still be able to receive home care services through other programs or private pay options. However, CDPAP specifically requires Medicaid eligibility, so it's important to check your eligibility status before applying for the program.

2. Medical Need for Home Care Services

To be eligible for CDPAP, you must have a medical condition or disability that requires home care services. This means that you need assistance with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and grooming, or skilled nursing services.

Examples of medical conditions that may qualify for CDPAP include physical disabilities, chronic diseases, and cognitive impairments. The level of care needed may vary depending on your specific condition and needs.

It's important to note that CDPAP is designed to provide care for individuals who need assistance with daily activities in their own homes. If you require more intensive medical care or monitoring, you may need to explore other options for care.

3. Ability to Direct Your Own Care

To be eligible for CDPAP, you must have the ability to direct your own care. This means that you have the right to choose, train, and supervise your personal assistants. You can decide who provides your care, what tasks they perform, and when they provide the care.

This level of control allows you to customize your care plan to meet your specific needs and preferences. For example, you may prefer to work with a personal assistant who speaks your language or has experience with your condition.

It's important to note that while you have control over your care, your personal assistants must still meet certain qualifications and undergo background checks before they can provide care through CDPAP. Additionally, CDPAP provides training and support for personal assistants to ensure that they are equipped to provide high-quality care.

4. Residency in New York

To be eligible for CDPAP, you must be a resident of New York. This means that you must have a permanent address in the state and spend the majority of your time in New York.

If you live in New York for only part of the year, you may still be eligible for CDPAP if you can demonstrate that New York is your primary residence. However, it's important to note that CDPAP services may not be available in all areas of the state, so it's best to check with your local Medicaid office to confirm eligibility and availability of services in your area.

If you are not a resident of New York, you may be able to receive home care services through other programs or private pay options. However, CDPAP specifically requires residency in New York, so it's important to check your eligibility status before applying for the program.

What Are the Eligibility Requirements to be a CDPAP Personal Assistant?

If you're interested in becoming a personal assistant under the Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program (CDPAP), there are some eligibility requirements that you should know about:

1. Must Be Authorized To Work In The United States

To become a personal assistant under CDPAP program, one must have authorization to work legally in the United States. It is necessary for them to present proof of their legal status in the U.S.

2. Must Be At Least 18 Years Of Age

To be a personal assistant under CDPAP, you must be at least 18 years of age. This is because there may be certain tasks that require physical strength and maturity.

3. Must Have Compassion and Patience

Being a personal assistant requires compassion, patience, and kindness towards the person receiving care. A personal assistant should understand that their role is to help improve the quality of life for the individual they are caring for.

4. Must Complete Required Training

All personal assistants who work under CDPAP must complete required training before providing services to consumers. The training includes topics such as infection control, emergency procedures, and documentation requirements.

It's important to note that while CDPAP allows consumers to hire their own personal assistants, it's still a Medicaid-funded program. Personal assistants must adhere to specific guidelines and regulations in order to provide high-quality care to those in need.

How to Apply for CDPAP in NY

If you're interested in applying for CDPAP in New York, here are the steps you'll need to follow:

  1. Contact your local Medicaid office to request an application for CDPAP. You can find the contact information for your local office on the New York State Department of Health website.
  2. Complete the application and provide any necessary documentation, such as proof of residency and medical need for home care services. It's important to be thorough and accurate when filling out the application, as errors or omissions could delay the approval process.
  3. Once your application is approved, you will be assigned a fiscal intermediary, which is a company that will handle the administrative tasks associated with CDPAP. Your fiscal intermediary will help you create a plan of care and coordinate payment for your personal assistants.
  4. Work with your fiscal intermediary to hire, train, and supervise your personal assistants. You can choose to hire friends or family members as your personal assistants, as long as they meet the qualifications set by CDPAP. Your personal assistants will provide the care that you need according to your customized care plan.

It's important to note that the application process and timeline may vary depending on factors such as your eligibility status and availability of services in your area. However, following these steps will help ensure that you are on the right track to receiving home care services through CDPAP.

The Benefits of CDPAP for Consumers and Their Families

CDPAP offers a number of benefits to consumers and their families. Here are just a few:

1. Increased Control Over Care

One of the biggest benefits of CDPAP is the increased control that consumers have over their care. With CDPAP, consumers can choose, train, and supervise their own personal assistants. This means that they can customize their care plan to meet their specific needs and preferences.

Consumers can also choose personal assistants who speak their language or have experience with their condition. This level of control allows consumers to feel more comfortable and confident in the care they receive.

2. Improved Quality of Life

CDPAP can also improve the quality of life for consumers and their families. By receiving care in their own homes, consumers can maintain independence and stay connected to their communities.

Personal assistants who work through CDPAP are trained to provide high-quality care that meets the needs of each individual consumer. They can assist with activities of daily living, such as bathing, dressing, and grooming, as well as skilled nursing services.

3. Cost Savings

CDPAP can also be cost-effective for consumers and their families. Because personal assistants are hired directly by the consumer, there are no agency fees or markups on salaries.

In addition, personal assistants who work through CDPAP are paid at a higher rate than those who work through traditional home care agencies. This helps to attract qualified candidates who are committed to providing high-quality care.

4. Support for Family Caregivers

Finally, CDPAP can provide support for family caregivers who may be feeling overwhelmed or burnt out by providing care on their own. With CDPAP, family members can become paid personal assistants while continuing to provide emotional support and companionship to their loved ones.

This arrangement can be especially beneficial for family members who need to take time off from work or other responsibilities to provide care. By becoming a paid personal assistant, they can help support their loved one while also receiving financial compensation for their time and effort.

Overall, CDPAP offers a number of benefits to consumers and their families. It provides increased control over care, improved quality of life, cost savings, and support for family caregivers. If you think that CDPAP may be right for you or your loved one, it's important to explore your options and determine whether you meet the eligibility requirements.

The Types of Services Personal Assistants Can Provide Through CDPAP

Personal assistants who work through CDPAP are trained to provide a wide range of services that meet the individual needs and preferences of each consumer. Here are some examples of the types of services that personal assistants can provide through CDPAP:

1. Assistance with Activities of Daily Living

Personal assistants can provide assistance with activities of daily living (ADLs), which are basic tasks that individuals may need help with due to a medical condition or disability. These tasks may include bathing, dressing, grooming, toileting, and transferring.

By providing assistance with ADLs, personal assistants can help consumers maintain their independence and dignity while also ensuring their safety and well-being.

2. Skilled Nursing Care

In addition to assistance with ADLs, personal assistants who work through CDPAP can also provide skilled nursing care. This may include tasks such as wound care, medication management, and monitoring vital signs.

Skilled nursing care is typically provided by licensed professionals, such as registered nurses or licensed practical nurses. However, in some cases, personal assistants who have received specialized training may be able to provide certain types of skilled nursing care under the supervision of a licensed professional.

3. Companionship and Emotional Support

Personal assistants who work through CDPAP can also provide companionship and emotional support to consumers. This may involve engaging in social activities together, such as playing games or watching movies, or simply providing a listening ear when needed.

For many consumers who live alone or have limited social support networks, having a personal assistant who can provide companionship and emotional support can make a significant difference in their quality of life.

4. Light Housekeeping and Meal Preparation

Personal assistants who work through CDPAP may also be able to provide light housekeeping services and meal preparation. This may include tasks such as dusting, vacuuming, doing laundry, and washing dishes.

In addition, personal assistants may be able to help with meal planning and grocery shopping, as well as preparing meals that meet the dietary needs and preferences of each individual consumer.

5. Transportation

Finally, personal assistants who work through CDPAP may be able to provide transportation services to consumers. This may involve driving consumers to medical appointments, social events, or other activities outside the home.

By providing transportation services, personal assistants can help consumers stay connected to their communities and maintain a sense of independence and autonomy.


CDPAP is a valuable program that allows consumers to have more control over their own care. To be eligible for CDPAP in NY, you must meet certain requirements, including Medicaid eligibility, a medical need for home care services, the ability to direct your own care, and residency in New York. If you meet these requirements, you can apply for CDPAP by contacting your local Medicaid office. For more information about CDPAP, visit the New York State Department of Health website.


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